What is Arabica Gourmet Coffee?
The Difference between Gourmet Arabica and Cheap Robusta Coffee
We dedicate this post to our lovely readers who want to know more about the coffee world and the difference between Gourmet Arabica Coffee & Cheap Robusta Coffee.
Robusta Coffee
Robusta coffee = cheap & low quality coffee
It frequently smells like burnt plastic or rubber.
The Robusta coffee cup has a strong taste, it tastes bitter/ harsher often described as burnt wood, grain-like.
Robusta coffee is used in low price coffees and in instant coffees
Most of the coffees sold in supermarkets are made of Robusta coffee
The choice to use Robusta is driven by economic decisions, not by quality concerns
Green Robusta Coffee is about 50% cheaper than Arabica Coffee.
Robusta has high caffeine content; it has twice as much caffeine than Arabica coffee
Robusta coffee is also used in blends
Blends including Robusta coffee are inferior in quality to a 100% Arabica Coffee
Robusta coffee beans are grown in low lands
Robusta is more insect-resistant than Arabica because the high caffeine content helps to protect the Robusta coffee plants from pests.
Robusta coffee comes from large coffee plantations
Large coffee shop and multinational coffee business mainly commercialize Robusta Coffee to enhance their profits.
Arabica Gourmet Coffee
Gourmet or Speciality coffee = The Highest Quality
Gourmet coffee = 100% Strictly High Grown Arabica coffee
Arabica coffee beans come from the Arabica coffee plant (Coffea Arabica)
There are very few places in the world where Arabica beans can grow
Arabica coffee is shade grown in the mountains
It’s difficult to cultivate and harvest.
An excellent Arabica coffee grows in unique ecosystems & at a high altitude.
The finest gourmet Arabica coffee grows in volcanic soils
It grows wild.
It’s harvested by hand to assure quality.
Arabica coffee is difficult to pick because it grows wild
Arabica plants are more sensitive to temperature and handling and are very vulnerable to pests.
Arabica coffee comes from artisan production (traditional harvesting)
The love and dedication of the coffee growers also influences its high quality
Arabica coffee is the most expensive variety
It is more flavourful and has a more pleasing taste than Robusta coffee
Arabica coffee is sweet and aromatic with a vast range of natural flavours.
Before roasting, Arabica coffee smells sweet like blueberries
Arabica coffee is the only one that can be enjoyed on its own without being blended with other types of coffees.
Arabica coffee has a low caffeine content.
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